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Spending the Day Outside


This service is a favorite among many of our clients, as it is oftentimes one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. Our job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After several sessions, you will become well-versed in handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Call now to schedule a session.


Have a problem or a question about life? Need a second opinion? Call or email and let us help you! we will share insightful tips of how to overcome anything. We will also provide phone numbers for resources and other businesses you may find useful. $1 per minute with a minimum of 30 minutes. 

Outdoor Meditation

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is a simple practice, but it is one that seems intimidating on the surface. Mediation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. Mediation can help increase mindfulness of yourself and your surroundings. It also reduces stress, controls anxiety, decrease blood pressure, helps. Life Coach 360 will teach you beginners meditation and guide you to pureness mindfulness. Learn the 5 keys to awareness while achieving mental balance. Life is truly beautiful when you view it from a raw lenses.



Meditation and Mindfulness

Mastering Confidence

Find the best version of yourself

If any one of the questions below applies to you, WELL THIS BUILDING CONFIDENCE SESSION IS RIGHT FOR YOU! Confidence Coaching Academy will show you how to perceive and present the best version of yourself. We will provide you with our ultimate self-esteem formula to use in your daily life.

If you are ready to become more confident in any and every area of your life, sign up today!

Mastering Confidence

Are you regularly thinking negative thoughts about yourself and your capabilities?
Are you tired of being too harsh on yourself?
Are you tired of avoiding doing certain things because you fear your ability to cope?

Are you tired of withdrawing from other people in certain situations?
Are you tired of speaking quietly or mumbling?
Are you tired of Speaking too loudly or shouting so that you ‘appear’ confident?
Are you using alcohol or drugs to make you feel more confident?
Are you using social media to make you feel more confident?
Are you tired of masking how you truly feel?
Are you tired of giving up too soon?
Are you tired of constantly comparing yourself with others?
Are you tired of slouching?
Do you struggle to handle genuine compliments?
Do you shy away from contributing your opinion in conversations.?
Do you want to STOP all negative thinking?

Do not beat yourself up. It is time to book your session. Mastering Confidence is design to help you know your worth and you’re your confidence again.

Wandering Traveler


Living With a Purpose

Meditation is a simple practice, but it’s one that seems intimidating on the surface. Mediation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. Mediation can help increase mindfulness of yourself and your surroundings.


It also reduces stress, controls anxiety, decrease blood pressure, helps control pain, improve sleep patterns, helps fight addictions, improve memory, lengthens attention span, enhance self-awareness, promote positive outlook on life, and makes you more productive. There are endless benefits of meditation. Let us show you different types of mediations practice to achieve your best life!


Relationship Coaching Session

Embrace Life’s Challenges

Are you seeking a deeper emotional and physical connection in your relationship? Do you want less stress in your relationship? Do you want to live life again after losing a loved one? Do you want to take your long-term relationship to a next level? Do you want to reconcile with a family member? Are you ready to settle down? Well, all of this is possible! Let Life Coach 360 help you set relationship goals, understand your current partnership, thrive inside your marriage, grieve a lost loved-one, take your long-term romance to the next level, find your partner of your dream or reconcile now

Embracing on a Bench
Relationship Coaching Session

Financial Literacy

Work smarter not harder

Life Coach 360 will teach you the 5-key component of financial literacy. Financial coaching is all about you. It is about understanding your current situation and developing a custom plan to help you win with money. Whether you are burdened by debt, crave financial freedom, or just want to get on the same page with your partner, a trained coach will walk with you as you make real progress with your finances.

Financial Literacy

Anger Management

Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can
take control of how we respond to certain situations. With OUR coaching sessions, you’ll learn about
acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

Anger Management
Spending the Day Outside

Parenting 101

Being a parent is hard work! It can be overwhelming and emotional at times. here is no manual, and you have to learn as you go. What if we tell you that Life Coach 360 can help lessen the stress and burden by providing vital tools to help you kick-a** at parenting. This is coaching session is perfect for expected mothers, new moms, pro moms, trouble child, etc.


 Even when two adults love and respect one another, their their philosophies and strategies for parenting may be very different. We were each raised with a unique experience based on who we are and how our parents interacted with us. These experiences inform how we approach our parenting journey.


Whether you are co-parenting in the same home or different homes, disagreements in parenting beliefs and styles can cause tremendous stress for both the parents and the children. it is vital for the mental health and success of your child that you agree on the boundaries and expectations you have for your children. The difference in approaches can lead to confusion, depression, anxiety, and defiance on the part of the child. Life Coach 360 is uniquely positioned to provide parents with an additional layer of support and guidance.

Parenting 101

Personality Coaching

Want a personality that is confident, attractive, and professional? Well, we can help you. Personality is not just how you look or dress up; it is also about your behavior, social skills, body language and confidence. For the same reason, personality development has become an integral part of every personal and professional’s journey. Although every individual is unique in their own way, having a well-round personality includes a lot of common traits and characteristics. Yes, you can embrace your individual personality but at the same time choose from the best bits to add to your individuality!


Life Coach 360 personality development coaching sessions offers a variety of personality development programs suitable for learners of all age groups (2-65+).Anyone can join and start grooming themselves under the expert guidance of our personality coach development classes.

Mountain Peak
Personality Coaching
Wandering Traveler

Life Coach 360 personality development coaching sessions offers a variety of personality development programs suitable for learners of all age groups (2-65+).Anyone can join and start grooming themselves under the expert guidance of our personality coach development classes.

How important is Personality in life?

Does your personality play a vital role in improving your career prospects? Yes.

Does your personality play a vital role in ensuring your growth and success in life? Yes. 

Does your personality play a vital role in improving your personal relationships? Yes.

​In short, the importance of personality development is huge!

Management Coaching

fundamental management skills

Life Coach 360 provides personal and powerful coaching for Anger, Money, Stress and Time Management. Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

Management Coaching


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